Feeling safe in everyday life

We are proud of the Nordic welfare state that Finland is and to whose construction SFP has contributed. In our Finland, we want people to be able to live safely, free from fear, violence and harassment. Assistance must be available every time you need it.

Finland’s internal security needs reinforcing, however. We consider it important to secure the resources needed by the police, rescue services and emergency response centres. We are concerned over developments in Sweden, where criminal gangs have obtained a strong foothold. Such a trend must be prevented in Finland. The police currently lacks resources for investigating all crimes, as well as time to complete its pre-emptive work. We want to have 8,200 police officers in Finland, compared to today’s insufficient 7,500.

To secure equal access to rescue services all around the country, more rescue personnel must be trained. Contract fire departments and voluntary maritime search and rescue operators play an important role within the rescue services, especially in sparsely populated areas, and their ability to operate must be secured.

In Finland we can rely on our courts of law and authorities, and trust that everyone will be treated equally before the law. The resources of our basic social institutions must be secured across the board.

On global terms, Finland’s security of supply is very high. Nordic cooperation within this area should be reinforced, however.


  • to secure resources for the police and law enforcement
  • to raise the income limits for legal aid
  • to guarantee sufficient resources for wellfunctioning rescue services and emergency response centres throughout the country
  • rescue training in Swedish to be offered in Helsinki, at least every three years
  • to prevent domestic and family violence
  • to increase the number of domestic violence shelter places and assault crisis centres
  • to intervene more effectively against hate speech and targeted harassment
  • to train police and law enforcement personnel in domestic and family abuse matters, as well as human trafficking crimes
  • to assist and protect victims of human trafficking and ensure impunity for victims of forced criminality
  • to secure the operating conditions of the national human trafficking investigation team
  • to prevent violence against police, care and rescue personnel, as well as others in customer-facing positions
  • to reduce online crime, particularly combating online sexual abuse of children and adolescents
  • to secure resources for the ombudsmen for equality, non-discrimination, the elderly and children


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