Our shared Nordic region

Our opportunities for developing Nordic collaboration are better than they have been for a long time. Our NATO membership will automatically lead to increased defence cooperation, and now there are possibilities for increased Nordic collaboration within other sectors, too.

A strong Nordic region that acts as one generates stability and helps to reinforce the rule of law and democracy in Europe and the world. Together with the other Nordic nations, Finland must purposefully combat the forces working to dismantle equality and human rights.

It must be easy to migrate between the Nordic countries. Our efforts to remove border obstacles must continue.

Awareness must be increased among the other Nordic countries of the fact that there are several education and training programmes taught entirely in Swedish in Finland. Finland must attract students and workers from Sweden and the rest of the Nordic region.


  • the Nordic region to be the world’s most integrated area
  • the Nordic countries to intensify their cooperation on the European, Trans-Atlantic and global levels
  • to continue work on instating a Nordic e-ID
  • to make students in the Nordic region aware of the Swedish-language study paths available in Finland
  • to increase student exchanges between the Nordic countries
  • to increase the compatibility of vocational and higher education degrees in the Nordic region
  • the Nordic countries to work together to promote the Nordic welfare model and equality in international situations

Finland must implement proactive foreign and security policies

Today’s security policy situation is the most tense it has been since the Second World War. The risks that this implies must be taken seriously, and yet we must not...

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The EU is important for Finland

The world order is shifting. Russia and China are striving to create spheres of influence. It is important for Finland and other democracies to join forces. SFP knows that the...

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