Cities form the core of our growth centres

We need dynamic cities, as well as a lively countryside. Finland has diverse types of cities and they must be developed based on their own strengths. We want to promote liveable cities and sustainable urban policy.

Access to planned building plots is crucial for a functioning real estate market, so we want to make planning easier.

We want all those who move to Finland to have opportunities for proper integration. Good urban planning and education are elements in combating segregation.

It is a matter of national importance that the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is developed based on its own special characteristics, in order to cope with international competition.


  • urban planning to be smoother and quicker
  • to work against segregation in our cities
  • to facilitate construction and access to planned building plots
  • more residential buildings and more affordable housing
  • to build healthy and sound schools, homes for the elderly and other public buildings, which must be continuously maintained
  • to see functional infrastructure connecting cities and regions, with the help of better coordination between cities and the government
  • cities to play an active role in the fight against climate change

We need proper infrastructure and good communications

Because Finland is a large country, it is important for our infrastructure – e.g. roads, railways, ports and airports – to be in good condition. We have a significant backlog...

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A stronger countryside assures our security of supply

Our politics must ensure that people can continue to live, work and feel well in rural areas and the archipelago. The Covid pandemic brought a swift rise in remote work....

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