Veera Granroth
Voting region: Varsinais-Suomi
"For sustainable and longterm decision-making"
I am 24 years old and study public administration at Åbo Akademi University. I am active in student associations, in the scouts and I enjoy being with friends. I also like to be in the forest and at the sea in my free time.
I am running in the elections because I want to bring out the voice of young people and students in decision-making. When making political decisions, it is necessary to take into account the generationpolitical perspective in order to make the politics more long-term and not just for the next elections. Especially after the corona-crisis, decisions need to be made sustainably. I want to see investments in well-being, education and security.
Name: | Veera Granroth |
Year of birth: | 1999 |
Town: | Turku |
Title: | Student |
Email: | |
www: | |
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Important political topics

Children and youth
I want to see investments in the well-being of children and youth. Investing in young people's well-being is a prerequisite for sustainable societal development. If young people burn out or suffer from mental illness, they will not be able to work in the future.
It should be easy to get low-threshold care when you need it, and the investments should be at the preventive level. It is always better to invest in well-being at a preventive stage than when the problems have already become big.
Above all, students are at risk of falling between different forms of support as the welfare areas do not currently cooperate with student health services. This must be remedied so that everyone receives care when they need it.

Education has long been Finland's key to success. However, the latest results show a downward trend. Young people feel enormous pressure, and more and more are struggling with mental illness. We must dare to correct previous decisions that have proven to be unsuccessful and give young people a genuine opportunity to grow up and learn in peace.
The universities' funding model needs to be renewed. It is not appropriate that one university's success takes away from the other universities' funding. The focus of the funding model needs to be that it encourages the education and research being of high quality.
Students' financial situation needs to be addressed. Right now, students' finances are a patchwork of several parts and the total outcome is insufficient. Even students deserve an income that you can live on without having to go into debt.

Security and safety
The security policy situation has changed significantly after Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine. We need to invest in our defense among other things by bringing entire cohorts to conscription and working to ensure that everyone feels safe in their everyday lives.
All children and young people should have a safe upbringing and therefore we need to invest in preventive work and support at an early stage before problems become big. We should invest in youth outreach work, sufficient resources for child protection and effective cooperation between authorities.