Kjell Wennström

Voting region: Varsinais-Suomi

"Egentliga Finland must live up to its name!"

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When I decided to be a candidate in the coming elections for Parliament, I was asked whether I would use advertising on the local buses for my campaign. I answered that I´m already established there, for free!

Every time you see information in Swedish on the Föli buses, remember that it was Kjell Wennström who got it there.

I´m an ardent pragmatist, who likes to see things done to support everyday life. My roots are in the Åland and Turku archipelago, but I´ve been living in Turku for almost 50 years. So, I understand the worries and needs of city dwellers as well as of those who live in our beautiful archipelago, permanently or otherwise.

Name: Kjell Wennström
Year of birth: 1952
Town: Åbo
Title: FM/Senior
Email: kjell.wennstrom@sfp.fi
Phone: +358 (0) 400 521 430
Member in:

Important political topics

Healthcare and social services

The main challenge for the new Parliament and government is to decide on how to make sure the newly formed welfare counties work to our daily satisfaction, without crippling the economy. This concerns everybody, but us in particular – the law guarantees service also in Swedish, let´s safeguard this in the name of equality!

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Traffic and communication

The harbours in our region are our gates to the West and their existence will be increasingly important now that trade with Russia is down. The infra supporting export shipping, i.e. roads and railroads going to the Turku region must stay functional at all times. This is more important than the “one hour train” to Helsinki. Also Turku airport has grown in importance recently.

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Climate and the environment

Much has been done, but there is a lot more to do to support the preservation of the Baltic sea. Cities and communites predominantly handle their waste and clean their waste water well, but we need to cut down on other waste, from both rural and other areas, now finding it´s way into the Baltic sea.

The Baltic sea ecosystem is complicated and vulnerable. Nutrient molecules of phosphorus and nitrogen as well as other poisonous and harmful substances attach themselves to particles of other matter and then flow into the sea. In order to understand and fight euthrofication you need to know where those particles form and and how they work.

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