Jerker Björkqvist

Voting region: Varsinais-Suomi

"I'm ready for new energy! Are You? Technology and technical education enable future good quality living. Let's make sure Finland as a country supports this."

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Father of 3 three youngsters. I work as an information technology lecturer, one of the coolest areas today. But I'm also caring about energy technology, which is both a challenge and a huge opportunity for Finland. In my free time, I enjoy being outside - on the sea, in the mountains, and in the archipelago with a cabin in Houtskär.

Name: Jerker Björkqvist
Year of birth: 1970
Town: Turku
Title: M.Sc, PhD, Senior university lecturer
Email: jerker.bjorkqvist@gmail.com
Phone: +358400528758
www: https://jerkerbjorkqvist.blogspot.com/

Important political topics


Finland will soon be energy independent, this by ongoing heavy investments in wind power. However, there is not always wind, so we need technology for energy storage.
The energy produced in Finland should be used in Finland. Let us build industries and businesses that can use this energy for exports.
Hydrogen, synthetic fuels, carbon-free steel, energy-intensive industry, zero emission shipping, ....

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Research and innovation

Research and innovation make our society competitive. We need this to drive the usage of future energy systems in Finland. Research should aim for high impact, our research not only copy what is going on in USA and Europe, but build high impact solutions, in collaboration with our Nordic friends.

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Education starts in grammar school, we need to build interest in building cool stuff.
Education should include everyone, so that we have different targets depending on individual capacities.

We need to welcome many non-Finns to Finland, to integrate, to be able to contribute to our growing industry.

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