Eva Biaudet

Voting region: Helsinki

"There are many challenges in politics today, especially from populist and backward movements in Finland and in Europe. Let us not choose the politics of fear but rather build trust in the future. We have to stop hatred and racism. Minorities enrich the society and in order to have a strong human capital, we need everyone. People are our most important resource. It is also every young persons’ right to receive a good education. "

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I have a long experience of politics, but also of the outside world. I have, among other things, worked as a diplomat for OSCE in Vienna and as the ombudsman for minorities and non-discrimination in Finland. In 2011, I received a reward for my work against human trafficking by the United States former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. I am a mother of four children and I was born and brought up in Helsinki.

Name: Eva Biaudet
Year of birth: 1961
Town: Helsinki
Title: Member of Parliament
Email: eva.biaudet@eduskunta.fi
Phone: 050 512 1846
www: https://www.evabiaudet.fi
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