Born in Espoo, raised in Vasa and the world. Now back on the shores of Lippajärvi and a voice for education and teaching. Bilingual and active with questions regarding education.
Curious, commited and interested.
For me an equal and safe society is a condition for a sustainable future.
Important political topics

Children and youth
I want to make sure it is safe to grow up and want to support families and children´s opportunities to a hopeful and safe future. I want to see opportunities to participate and build up a democracy with children´s right in focus. We need to take care of our youth and for them to find their way in out society.

Equality and iclusion are human rights and everyone should feel like they belong in our society. We should value one another. Our working life should be built up flexibly with workers well being taken in consideration.

Everyone should have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and our goal is to support education of high quality. Early childhood education is the basis of learning and every part of the educational system plays its part for education.
We have to support our tachers in their job for a functional fututre educational path.