Alexandra Lundmark

Voting region: Uusimaa

"I am a person of action and wish to influence. I am passionate about entrepreneurship and a healthy everyday life. "

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My name is Alexandra Lundmark, married and mother of three wonderful children ages 7, 9 and 12. I am driven, empathetic, curious and always up for a challenge.

I have managed quite a lot over the years e.g. a Bachelors degree in Business Administration, becoming a certified Personal Trainer and Facility Manager and for the moment studying to become a certified Mental Trainer. I believe in education and self-improvement, both professionally and personally, and I always feel the need to further educate myself.

I was born and raised in a family of entrepreneurs so the leap to my own entrepreneurship was not a big one. I started my own company while studying and over the years my company has grown and changed both in type of business and in the field of operation. Due to my entrepreneurship I have obtained quite a broad expertise in many areas.

My spare time is well spent with family and friends. Living with type 1 diabetes I am especially keen on preserving my health. I go for a run and to the gym several times a week. In the interest of my children I am also involved in the Koti ja Koulu- organisation at the Katarina elementary school and function as a team leader for my daughter’s handball team.

The thought of entering politics has grown over the years and I feel that the time is right for new and exciting challenges. I am a person of action and wish to influence and until now I have done so in a minor scale in businesses and associations. The time is right to take the next step. I wish to contribute to a well functioning and thriving society now and for future generations!

Name: Alexandra Lundmark
Year of birth: 1986
Town: Raasepori
Title: Entrepreneur
Email: alexandra.lundmark@live.com

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