Tomas Björkroth

Voting region: Varsinais-Suomi

"Politics, that Finland can take"

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The greenest member of the Swedish Peoples Party in Finland.

I am a Master of Philosophy in Environmental Biology from Åbo Akademi. For the past ten years, I have worked as a unit manager at Axxell's natural resource unit in Brusaby on Kimitoön. Before my professional education, I was an entrepreneur and project consultant in the tourism and environmental sectors.

I live in the archipelago town of Pargas with my wife Sari, who is a psychologist, and our three sons, plus a dachshund.

I am the manager of the Pargas Hunting Association, enjoy playing golf and like long, peaceful runs.

I am a member of the city council in Pargas and politically active also within the party, acting Vice President both in Party Council both nationally, as in the district of Southwest Finland.

Name: Tomas Björkroth
Year of birth: 1970
Town: Pargas
Email: tomas.bjorkroth@axxell.fi
Phone: 044 739 7276
www: https://tomasbjorkroth.com
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