Frans Villanen

Voting region: Vaasa

"It's time for the next generation to take place in the Parliament"

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I am Frans Villanen, a special education teacher, journalist and soon to be political scientist. Besides my regular job as project manager I enjoy different kinds of sports. I am also a member of Vaasa city council and board.

We live in a time where the population gets older and fewer kids are born. The struggle to find qualified workforce is real, which can also be seen in Ostrobotnia. This is one of the reasons why it is particularly important that we invest in the future workforce: kids, young adults and students. We are going to need all the workforce we can get.

I represent a new generation of politicians, and I stand for brave, progressive politics. I believe in creating a better future by long-term and purposeful decision-making. Change takes time, so let us get to work.

Name: Frans Villanen
Year of birth: 1995
Town: Vaasa
Title: Teacher, Project Manager, political scientist student
Email: frans.villanen@vaasa.fi
Phone: 050 5598505
www: https://www.fransvillanen.com
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