We only have one planet

We must save the climate and biodiversity now

We want Finland to be climate neutral by 2035. For this to happen, it is important to continue working on ambitious climate policy nationally, at the EU level and internationally. Global warming must be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Finland must be at the forefront when it comes to climate-smart and environmentally friendly technology. This holds great potential for our businesses. For businesses to have the courage to invest in development and innovation, farsightedness and predictability are needed also in our energy policy.

The circular economy and sharing economy are sectors of the future in which Finland should be a pioneer.

We must sustainably reinforce our energy self-sufficiency. Therefore we must promote the green transition, abandon fossil fuels and increase renewable energy production. Vehicle emissions must also be reduced.

The eutrophication of the Baltic Sea demands sustained action. We must purposefully work towards reducing emissions, especially into the Archipelago Sea.

It is crucial that we work decisively to preserve and strengthen biodiversity throughout the country.

Our politics must encourage sustainable lifestyles and eco-friendly choices. We must use our resources wisely and reuse them where possible. Recycling must be made more efficient, making better use of industrial by-products.


  • the proportion of renewable energy to increase, with fossil fuels being abandoned during the 2030s at the latest
  • to invest in research, development and innovation that aim to increase our energy and resource efficiency and reduce energy needs
  • to develop incentives for environmentally friendly investments, aimed at both business and private individuals, for example in the form of funding for energy-saving home renovations
  • Finland actively to work towards ambitious targets at the EU level to continue reducing emissions and increasing renewable energy production
  • to reduce vehicle emissions by having well-functioning public transport, as well as making investments into charging and refuelling infrastructure, for example
  • to promote the development, production and adoption of domestically produced, low-emissions fuels
  • all new buildings to be energy-efficient, with an increase in wood construction
  • to boost our carbon sinks through sustainable, farsighted and active agriculture and forestry
  • to formulate a climate compensation model for forest owners who maintain carbon sinks
  • to preserve biodiversity through sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of existing ecosystems
  • to make further pushes for reducing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and, through sustained efforts, to improve the situation of the Archipelago Sea so that it can be taken off HELCOM’s Hot Spots list
  • to promote sustainable fishing
  • to prohibit all emissions of untreated wastewater and washing water from ships into the Baltic
  • to see proper rainwater handling. Dumping of snow into the sea must not be permitted, either.
  • to formulate a compensation model for scrapping of old boats and motors
  • to increase the recycling rate in Finland
  • to promote a sharing economy through legislation and financial instruments
  • to have the environmental burden of products and buildings calculated for their entire life cycles
  • to boost the attention given to the circular economy and sustainable development in school curricula

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