The EU is important for Finland

The world order is shifting. Russia and China are striving to create spheres of influence. It is important for Finland and other democracies to join forces.

SFP knows that the best way to make Finland’s voice heard is through the European Union. Finland must be a proactive and constructive actor within the EU. We must be at the forefront of working towards a more modern, more equal, more sustainable and competitive union that stands for our shared values related to human rights, the rule of law and democracy.

The EU’s joint stand against Russia after Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine demonstrated the importance of acting jointly and swiftly. A shared European voice also reinforces Finland’s status in the world.

The EU’s shared value base and the rule of law must run through the actions of all member states. It is important for the EU actively to follow its member states’ national policies and to have mechanisms to prevent violations, misuse of EU funds and corruption.

A functioning single market in the EU is crucial for a small, export-dependent economy such as Finland. Membership in the EU means that our industry and commerce and Finnish businesses have a home market that is among the largest in the world.

The European Union must also be capable of renewal, and excessive EU bureaucracy must be removed. The principle of subsidiarity – the idea that decisions should be taken as close to the population as possible – is important. We must continue to observe all the member states’ distinctive characteristics when planning new legislation.


  • Finland proactively and constructively to influence EU policies and development
  • to see more active cooperation between the Nordic EU member states
  • decision-making processes in the EU to be democratic, clear and transparent
  • the EU to monitor the implementation of the rule of law in its member states, with measures taken against violations
  • the EU to continue to develop its joint foreign policy alignments and to be a powerful voice for human rights and global responsibility
  • to ensure sufficient agricultural subsidies
  • Finland to promote measures within the EU that improve the condition of the Baltic Sea and the Arctic region

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