Taxation must incentivise work and investments

SFP wants working always to be profitable. People must be left with more in hand when they work than when they don’t. Taxation on work must be lowered and the tax progression must not steepen further.

Finland must be competitive when it comes to taxation. To attract investment and business establishment in Finland, our goal must be not to increase corporate taxation. Our tax policy must be farsighted and predictable. Other measures are also needed to promote investment, such as taxation solutions in which the tax rate on reinvested earnings is lower.

Under SFP’s initiative, the current government expanded the tax credit for household expenses and raised its maximum amount. This means that more people can receive help at home and more will be able to replace their oil heating with more sustainable alternatives. We want to continue developing the tax credit for household expenses, because it creates jobs.


  • to reduce taxation on work and pensions
  • to promote entrepreneurship by keeping corporate taxes at a competitive level
  • to have lower corporate taxes on profits that are reinvested in a company’s operations
  • to ensure that dividend taxation on unlisted companies takes into account the entrepreneur’s risk-taking
  • that inheritance and gift tax be abolished in the long term and replaced by taxation upon realisation of the asset
  • that inheritance and gift tax be abolished entirely in relation to generational shifts in businesses and agriculture
  • agricultural production buildings to be free from real estate taxation
  • real estate taxation that does not unfairly burden owners of small houses or properties in the archipelago, for example
  • that donations made by private individuals and companies to charities and non-profit organisations, including higher education institutions, be tax-deductible
  • to make the temporary increase in the tax credit for household expenses permanent and to continue developing this tax credit
  • to make it possible for companies to make tax deductions related to research and development
  • to combat the grey economy and aggressive tax planning

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