It must be safe to be elderly

Everyone must have opportunities for living safe and active lives in their later years.

The aged must receive the assistance and care they need. Home help and home nursing services must function well, and various forms of assisted living facilities must be available at a reasonable cost for those who can no longer live at home. Subsidised transport services must also be reliable and functional. Investments into preventive measures are crucial in elderly care.

We want to formulate an action plan for improving the status of family carers and securing their equal right to compensation and rest.

It must be worth it to work after retirement for all those who wish to do so. At the same time, it is important to safeguard a reasonable level of guaranteed pensions.

Transgenerational efforts can provide great health care benefits, for instance within youth work and at school.


  • to establish statutory senior advice centres to which persons are invited upon turning 70
  • to ensure there are incentives for participating in the labour market after retirement, and that pension accruals continue after the general retirement age
  • to continue the staircase model for increased earned-income tax credits for those over 60
  • that the guaranteed pension ensures a reasonable livelihood
  • to have accessible, user-friendly digital services in both Swedish and Finnish, as well as advice on how to use them
  • to see well-functioning home help and home nursing services
  • to ensure there are enough places within diverse kinds of assisted living facilities at reasonable prices
  • that all family carers have equal rights to compensation and rest. We want to transfer responsibility for family care compensation to Kela. We demand an action plan for improving the status of family carers.
  • to promote opportunities for voluntary work within elderly care

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