Finland must implement proactive foreign and security policies

Today’s security policy situation is the most tense it has been since the Second World War. The risks that this implies must be taken seriously, and yet we must not turn inwards. In our increasingly insecure international circumstances, it is important for Finland to be a proactive global participator. Our security is reinforced by our respect for international treaties, structures and human rights protection mechanisms.

Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO membership will increase security around the Baltic Sea and northern Europe. Finland must be a constructive member of NATO. The responsibility for Finland’s defence lies with us and it is important to maintain and develop our universal conscription, which forms the foundation of our national defence.

Finland’s foreign policy must build upon a strategic promotion of human rights and equality.

We must also have to have the ability to handle large-scale immigration.

We must be prepared to react to and combat various types of hybrid threats.


  • Finland to be an active and constructive participant in NATO
  • to keep defence expenditure at a minimum of 2 per cent of GDP
  • to maintain and develop universal conscription
  • to make call-ups equal for everyone in the same age group, regardless of gender
  • the Defence Forces to have modern and appropriate armament
  • to safeguard and develop the Nyland Brigade
  • to see Finland being a responsible peacebuilder, taking active part in civil crisis management tasks
  • Finland to commit systematically to promoting equality and the rights of girls and women around the world

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