Finland as a digital pioneer

Digitalisation is one of the puzzle pieces that make up a successful Finland and must be promoted across the public and private spheres. Investment is needed to reach the global forefront when it comes to digitalisation, and to attract private investment and top-level expertise to Finland.

Digitalisation implies huge changes in how people carry out their work, as well as in how services are produced. It has also led to whole new operating models, such as the platform economy.

Functioning internet connections are a prerequisite for offering digital services on the same terms and of the same quality, regardless of place of residence. Even though digital services are becoming more common, people must also be able to receive services in traditional ways.

Digital services must, from the very start, be developed in parallel in both Finnish and Swedish, in order to ensure that both language groups receive equal treatment. There must also be a sufficient supply of digital learning materials in Swedish.

It is important to increase our competence as regards data system development.

Our society is vulnerable to various kinds of cyberattacks. Higher investment is needed in cyber security, on broad terms.


  • to work towards making Finland a leader in new technologies
  • Finland to have a road map for digitalisation
  • simple digital support services to be available for the entire population
  • to have both national languages taken into account in digital solutions from the start
  • accessibility to be taken into account in the development of new services from the start
  • there to be sufficient resources for promoting cyber security, and to make Finland a pioneer in this area

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