Caring for our young

The last few years have been exceptionally tough, especially for young people. More and more children and adolescents are increasingly unwell. The Covid pandemic with its remote learning and reduced social contacts left marks that must be addressed.

We want to formulate a youth package with cross-sector solutions to reinstate the wellbeing and mental health of affected young people before the situation escalates further. The package will include, among other things, a therapy guarantee, long-term investments into education and efforts to ensure that no young person is left without a job or study place.

The threshold must be low for young people to seek assistance. No one should be given the runaround. Therefore we need more low-threshold mental health services. The first contact must be available without waiting, for instance via a simple chat service. It is especially important to be served in one’s first language when it comes to mental health services.

All young people must feel that they have a place in the society and meaningful content in their lives via education, work or leisure interests. We want to reduce school stress for our young people.

We must focus on preventive work to combat marginalisation and exclusion. Outreach youth work plays a significant role in finding young people in the risk zone.


  • to formulate a youth package to reinstate young people’s wellbeing and mental health
  • to see more low-threshold mental health services, including chat services
  • to ensure everyone can be served in their first language when it comes to mental health services
  • to invest in preventive measures, such as outreach youth work, to combat marginalisation and exclusion
  • to see young people being included in decision-making and being consulted at all levels in society
  • to ensure that there are enough meeting places for young people

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