Henrika Backlund

Voting region: Uusimaa

"For a healthier Finland."

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I have one Masters degree in Politics and one in Military Science. I worked for 15 years in the Finnish Defence Forces and at the same time I competed in triathlon on a national level and in Adventure racing internationally.
Nowadays I have my dream position in work life; I´m the Secretary General for the swedish-speaking Sport Federation in Finland.
I´m mostly worried about the poor physical condition of our kids in Finland today and what it will lead to for the whole society if nobody will react an make the change of direction. That is why I stand for election.

Name: Henrika Backlund
Year of birth: 1981
Town: Kirkkonummi
Title: Master in Politics, Master in Military Science
Email: backlundhenrika@gmail.com
www: https://henrikabacklund.com
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Important political topics

Children and youth

Today, children and young people are in record poor condition, and the curve does not look like it will turn around unless brave decisions are made to counteract the sedentary lifestyle of the entire Finnish population. The fact that we have an active lifestyle saves society enormous amounts of resources and gives us a much better quality of life.

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We have not achieved gender equality in Finland. Fortunately, we are heading in the right direction in the work, but it is all too slow. We still maintain outdated structures in society with a lot of women traps. One of these is the woman's attachment to the home, family and unpaid work in connection with these. Another is the violence against women and the difficulty/lack of support for female victims to detach themselves from these relationships.

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Security and safety

My military rank is Captain (retired) and I worked for 15 years in the Defence forces. I know what security policy is on a concrete level. In my professional life, I have been frustrated by how naive policies have been pursued towards our eastern neighbour. I want to work for national security where the country's strengths are used to maintain a credible defense where international cooperation is an important cornerstone.

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